Archive for December, 2009
Local governments make some decisions to change the use of land. Most decisions to change the land, however, start with private developers. This chapter discusses the role of land developers and builders in the implementation of plans.
Chapter 10, Part III: Making Plans Work | Key terms: home builders, homebuilders, land developers, real estate developers
This chapter introduces the idea of dividing the community into zoning districts, with the rules for the use and development of land varying by district.
Chapter 11, Part III: Making Plans Work | Key terms: rezoning, zoning, zoning map, zoning map amendment, zoning ordinance, zoning variance
The chapter describes the subdivision review process and introduces methods of paying for the public facilities that serve new developments – including the sometimes controversial topic of exactions. The chapter also discusses how local governments regulate the quality of development of individual sites.
Chapter 12, Part III: Making Plans Work | Key terms: landscape standards, parking design, parking standards, plat, public facilities design, sign ordinance, sign regulation, site design, site lighting, subdivision ordinance, subdivision plat, subdivision regulation
This chapter discusses techniques of growth management used by local governments to influence the timing of growth at particular locations, including: adequate public facilities (APF) controls, phased growth programs, rate-of-growth programs and urban growth boundaries and urban service area boundaries.
Chapter 13, Part III: Making Plans Work | Key terms: adequate public facilities, concurrency, growth management, level of service, smart growth
This chapter introduces capital budgets and Capital Improvement Programs (CIPs), fiscal tools used to guide local investments in expanded schools, roads, water and wastewater systems, parks and other public infrastructure.
Chapter 14, Part III: Making Plans Work | Key terms: capital facilities plan, capital improvements plan, capital improvements program, public facilities plan
This chapter discusses the relative lack of regional planning in the United States but gives a handful examples of significant success stories.
Chapter 15, Part III: Making Plans Work | Key terms: metropolitan planning organization, MPO, regional plan
Open space helps to shape a community and helps a community to breathe. This chapter deals with the broad range of issues involved in planning for current and future open space in and around a community.
Chapter 16, Part III: Making Plans Work | Key terms: green infrastructure, green network, greenways, open space plan, parks plan, trails plan
This chapter discusses the substantive issues involved in planning for such areas. It also outlines the process for incorporating small area plans into a larger community planning effort.
Chapter 17, Part IV: Plans for Special Topics or Areas | Key terms: corridor plan, district plan, downtown plan, gateway plan, historic district plan or historic neighborhood plan, historic preservation, hospitality and entertainment district, neighborhood plan, redevelopment plan, small area plan, tourist district
Today there is an increased emphasis in the United States on renewing and revitalizing neighborhoods, downtown areas and other parts of the community. This chapter also includes a discussion of the reuse of brownfields.
Chapter 18, Part IV: Plans for Special Topics or Areas | Key terms: brownfield, brownfield plan, brownfield strategy, downtown plan, neighborhood plan, public-private partnerships, redevelopment plan, renewal plan, revitalization plan, urban redevelopment, urban renewal
This chapter provides a broad introduction to planning to deal with floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and landslides, and to applying principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design to neighborhoods and entire communities.
Chapter 19, Part IV: Plans for Special Topics or Areas | Key terms: CPTED, crime prevention through environmental design, disaster planning, earthquakes, evacuation plan, floodplain map, landslide hazard areas or maps, tornado safety, wildfire hazard area or maps